Job-en » Luxembourg Institute of Health

Spontaneous application (Not for student or internship)

For student jobs and internships, please go back to the previous page and select the other link.

We employ highly motivated professionals and we are always looking for new talents!

If you are interested in joining our team, and no job is fitting your profile in our job openings at the moment, just send us a spontaneous application and explain in the cover letter why you could make the difference! 

Our recruiting process follows the guidelines set by the “Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers”, ensuring fair and transparent selection procedures. We respect the privacy of our applicants for employment. 

Ready ? 

Then click on apply, and send us your spontaneous application through the dedicated form. 

Please make sure to provide us with as many details as possible (Department and research group you are interested in, date of availability...) to facilitate the processing of your application !


  • Ref :  00233

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