The CPMO coordinates the planning of translational research projects in-line with LIH strategy.
The CPMO closely interacts internally as well as externally with clinical sites and other collaborators such as LNS, Uni.lu, etc. to coordinate the planning of the operational aspects of translational research projects in line with LIH strategy. The CPMO centrally oversees the planning and implementation of all Clinical Research projects and programs. Practically, CPMO takes charge of every step of clinical research projects (lead, design, setup, initiation, operation and closure) involving internal and external parties, ensuring deliverables are achieved and budgets met, and providing specific expertise and know-how in clinical research and biobanking.
- Main point of contact for the various partners involved in Clinical Research projects, including clinicians and researchers
- Link between the units of the TMOH to support translational programmes
- Support private sponsors, researchers and investigators from other research institutions or hospitals in the setup (contract, admin, approvals, timelines, budget, etc.) and conduct of clinical research projects
- Coordinate and manage a portfolio of life science/clinical research projects according to the contract/scope of work, protocol, budget (setup financial contracts and manage financial aspects during the projects) and fixed timelines
- Supervise and assist regulatory submissions (national and international, to health authorities and research ethics committees) according to the applicable laws, administrative and regulatory requirements and obtain approvals
- Support the participation in European consortia and grant applications

Projects & clinical trials

Featured team members
Scientific publications
External Quality Assurance programs for processing methods provide evidence on impact of preanalytical variables – 29/08/2022
Publisher Correction – 02/09/2022
Age at onset as stratifier in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease – effect of ageing and polygenic risk score on clinical phenotypes – 09/08/2022
Randomised crossover trial comparing algorithms and averaging times for automatic oxygen control in preterm infants – 24/11/2021
The gut microbial metabolite formate exacerbates colorectal cancer progression – 01/01/2022
Association between Dietary Factors and Constipation in Adults Living in Luxembourg and Taking Part in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 Survey – 28/12/2021
Exploring the association between patient characteristics and emergency department use in Luxembourg – 01/01/2022
Whey-and soy protein isolates added to a carrot-tomato juice alter carotenoid bioavailability in healthy adults – 31/10/2021
Proficiency testing program celebrates its 10th anniversary – 28/09/2021
The evolution and social determinants of mental health during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in Luxembourg – 01/09/2021
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