preventive medicine
Drawing on its expertise in digital epidemiology, human biomonitoring, sport medicine, nutrition and molecular biology, LIH aims to perform interdisciplinary research to identify environmental, lifestyle and behavioural factors affecting health, with a view to supporting the implementation and evaluation of new e-health technologies in the context of disease prevention and improving population health.
A first axis focuses on developing innovative exposure measurement approaches for the study of determinants of non-communicable diseases.
A second axis focuses on improving health through personalised e-health assisted lifestyle interventions, leveraging on technology to adopt a new, personalised, predictive, preventive and participatory approach to health management.
LIH will take advantage of the interdisciplinarity of its Departments to promote transversal activities in ongoing population research projects and to study the interaction and cumulative effects of environmental, lifestyle and behavioural factors. This multidisciplinary approach will generate important new information about their impact on disease onset and development contribute to developing innovative research programmes that examine health compounds as part of complex and interrelated health-related systems.
Ongoing projects in this respect include Impact.lu, which focuses on the interactions between environmental pollutants and micro-nutrients, and Oriscav I-II, focusing on non-communicable lifestyle diseases. These are expected to provide significant data on the complex pathways implicated in the development of chronic diseases.
Projects & clinical trials
Scientific publications
Investigating unmet need for healthcare using the European Health Interview Survey – 03/08/2021
Phénotypage numérique profond dans le diabète de type 1 – 01/06/2021
Registre National du Cancer (RNC): Cancer de la prostate (C61) – Luxembourg, 2013 (Factsheet) – 02/02/2021
Registre National du Cancer (RNC): Cancer du poumon (C33 – C34) – Luxembourg, 2013 (Factsheet) – 01/02/2021
Registre National du Cancer – Rapport annuel d’activité – Année 2020 – 01/01/2021
Registre National du Cancer – Rapport annuel d’activité – Année 2018 – 01/01/2019
Registre National du Cancer – Rapport annuel d’activité – Année 2017 – 01/01/2018
Registre National du Cancer – Rapport annuel d’activité – Année 2016 – 01/01/2017