Colive voice: Voice as indicator of health
CoLive Voice is a voice recording collection that will enable the identification of vocal biomarkers useful for remote diagnosis, prevention and monitoring of diseases. Anyone can participate and make their voice recordings.
The CoLive Voice project aims to collect voice recordings to create a unique international and multilingual vocal database. Clinical and medical data will be associated with these recordings. CoLive Voice will be a screening platform to identify vocal biomarkers that can be associated with different health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, COVID-19, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel diseases. The identification of such vocal biomarkers will allow better diagnosis, prevention and remote monitoring of these diseases.
- Any interested person can participate in this large transversal study, regardless of their health conditions.
- Participants will have to complete several questionnaires about their health conditions and make voice recordings at the same time.
- Participation will remain anonymous.

Voice is the most natural, energy-efficient way of interacting with others
- Cheap & widely available digital resource to leverage for healthcare
- Could one day replace questionnaires in health research
- Can be used for:
- Remote monitoring of emotions, stress and fatigue
- Early markers of risk
- Diagnostic markers for mental health, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, cardiometabolic diseases, lifestyle,…
Our partners
Colive Voice is recruiting !
To participate and donate your voice, it is easy and takes only 20 minutes (English, French, German, Spanish languages supported), please follow this link: